
Lorcast provides a REST-like API for ingesting our card data programatically. The API exposes information available on the regular site in easy-to-consume formats.

Endpoint Details

The API is available at:


The API (and site) are served over HTTPS. Requests made over regular HTTP will receive a 301 HTTP status code redirecting them to the HTTPS scheme.

The minimum TLS version is 1.2.

Current Version

The current API version is v0. This is considered a Beta API. It is missing some features, but future versions of it will be backward compatible. It is safe to use for production code.

The full root URL for this version is:


Please note that this API is currently beta, and is subject to breaking changes until it reaches a stable release. Please join the Discord if you want heads up on breaking changes.

Rate Limits

We kindly ask that you insert 50–100 milliseconds of delay between the requests you send to the server at api.lorcast.com. For example, 10 requests per second on average.

Submitting excessive requests to the server may result in a HTTP 429 Too Many Requests status code. Continuing to overload the API after this point may result in a temporary or permanent ban of your IP address.

The file origins used by the API, located at *.lorcast.io do not have these rate limits.

We encourage you to cache the data you download from Lorcast or process it locally in your own database, at least for 24 hours.

While we make incremental updates to card data daily, take note that:


If you have questions or feature requests, please join the Discord. Breaking changes will also be announced on The Changelog and Discord.